Creating Ice Crystals
I thought I would take a departure from the normal tutorial style, and provide you with a pattern recipe instead. This is a quick and easy recipe to create Ice Crystals without the need for 3rd party software. Everything can be created in Photoshop. If you like this style of writing, please visit the Forum and let me know. If it's something you want to see more of in the future, then I'd be happy to put a few other pattern recipes like this together.
So let's get started.
First, open a new document with the settings you see below. Keep in mind that you can create your own pattern in any size you like, but be sure to keep the resolution at 72 PPI, otherwise some of the settings listed below may not produce a similar outcome. Here are the settings I chose:

Reset Swatches to default
Filter -> Render -> Clouds
Filter -> Render -> Difference Clouds (x4)
Image -> Adjustments -> Levels
Channel = Composite Channel
Input Levels = 0, 1.42, 176

Filter -> Pixelate -> Crystallize
Cell Size = 21
Filter -> Brush Strokes -> Crosshatch
Stroke Length = 35
Sharpness = 20
Strength = 1
Filter -> Artistic -> Plastic Wrap
Highlight Strength = 20
Detail = 15
Smoothness = 2
Filter -> Distort -> Glass
Distortion = 5
Smoothness = 11
Texture = Frosted
Scaling = 100%
Image -> Adjustments -> Hue/Saturation
Check the "Colorize" checkbox
Hue = 220; Saturation = 30; Lightness = 20
Image -> Adjustments -> Levels
Input Levels = 35, 1.42, 255

And here is the final product:

I hope you enjoyed this Pattern recipe. Until next week good luck in all your Photoshop projects.